The Smithston Fishings form one of the most productive fisheries on the River Doon in Ayrshire.
Photo by Ray Leaning (Art of Ray Leaning)
The Doon is one of the best known of the salmon and sea trout waters of the West of Scotland and follows a westerly course from its headwaters in Loch Doon in the Southern Uplands, flowing through charming, beautifully wooded country with many well known and productive salmon beats along its 23 miles.
Photo by Ray Leaning (Art of Ray Leaning)
The river enjoys a good flow, partly supported by the vast resources of Loch Doon above and regulated by a dam there. The river is fortunate in that it enjoys a compensation flow arrangement as a result of the hydro-electric scheme centred on Loch Doon. The flow runs sweetly in summer when other uncompensated waters dwindle and stagnate.
Photo by Ray Leaning (Art of Ray Leaning)
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